Thursday, January 14, 2010


Time passes real fast...
I'm almost at the end of my summer semester...
I've not learnt much or done much for the current subject...
Maybe it's caused by my ego...its an IT class...
I go to class everyday and on the com to log in to Facebook and do some surfing...
all the way till class ends...
I feel pity for the lecturer as most or should I say everyone is doing the same...doing their own least i saw some that still did their tutorials or listened while doing their own stuff...
The subject length is short...3 weeks....try cramping 4 months into 3 weeks...
It should have been very actually is...
four hours of class everyday...
one new lecture every day...
3 presentations and 1 assignment due next week...
it was 3 presentations but the lecturer decided to merge 2 into're left with 2 presentations...

OK...back to contemplating....
Its 2010 now...
I'm getting older...turning 20 this year...
Saw lots of post regarding recaps of 2009...
My 2009...was nothing of glory...I don't think I'll remember much of 2009 when I'm old....except those few memories...

The post about life...
yea...who or what do we actually live for...
The process of finding my meaning to still going on...without progress...that's what I feel...
Wealth...I get it...its not always about money...its how you perceive it...
but the older you get, the more you see wealth as money...until you get to the old age when you don't see money as wealth that much anymore...
Why is it so? I assume it to be burdens and obligations...the different stages of life...
You need more money as you grow...
I'm worried bout that...bout I might not be able to earn enough to support anyone...wasting all these years in sch, college, uni...
Who doesn't want to be rich?
To be able to support your current family and your future family...
To be honest, I envy westerners. Some part of it...their individualism...their perceptions...
But I do prefer the Asian way...

We're living in a fast paced world...
Busy...I'm always busy...or so it seems...I feel busy...but sometimes, I don't know what I'm busy doing...
Tired...I wanna go slow....walk at a slower pace...I've missed out a lot while I'm running...
Its been a long time since I walked slowly...I mean physically and mentally...
Lately its been driving here and there in a rush....meeting time constraints...trying to fit something into a tight time slot...
Maybe that's the cause of my laziness and not concentrating in class...hahahaha
yeap...I wanna slow long as it doesn't cost me something serious...opportunity cost...its always there...

yada yada yada....lots to say but not here or is not the place...some or most of you know've experienced it is a 38 zone...XD